Care guidance for your beautiful Ebba Brahe jewelry


Take care to protect your jewelry from impact from hard surfaces, even a diamond can chip if hit with enough force. A simple precaution to keep your diamond jewelry is to soak it in gentle degreasing solution such as lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of mild dish soap or use a mild solution of six parts water to one part ammonia and apply with a soft bristle brush ( or a soft new toothbrush) once or twice a week. The brush should be exclusively used for your diamonds.
Brush especially hard-to-reach places like the back of the diamond, which tend to collect most of the dirt.


For pearls use a small makeup brush dipped in mild hair shampoo and lukewarm water to clean. Use a damp cloth to wipe your pearls. Pearl necklace should be looked after every other year. And silkthread should be replaced.


Gold scratches easily, so keep them in individual soft cloth pouches or in the original boxes they came in.

Dull finish

For pieces that are dull or starting to discolor, mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water in a cup and rub the jewelry with a soft textile cloth. Rinse in cool, running water and buff with a clean cloth until dry.


Always put your make up, hairspray, perfume, body lotion and hand cream before you put your jewelry on. Don’t sleep with your jewelrys. Never ever take off your rings when you wash your hands. (It’s so easy to forget them on the sink…)